Friday 21 December 2012

Spirit Release Therapy

Spirit Release Therapy, as a clinical alternative to religious exorcism and traditional shamanistic practice is largely unknown by mainstream medical practice and psychiatry. This is due to several interrelated factors.  Primarily, materialistic science does not recognise any concept of a spirit world and doctors are therefore not yet trained in SRT principles and techniques. SRT sits uncomfortably between the disbelief of a materialist secular society and the subjective experience of spirit possession: whether that experience is a symptom of psychosis, symbolic representation, socio-cultural expectation or a veridical manifestation.  In contrast to the monism of mechanistic science, every culture and religious belief system throughout human history has its traditional beliefs of spirit possession in some form or another with corresponding rituals for the release or exorcism of spirit entities. It is common knowledge that Christianity has its angels, devils and demons (although the majority of modern so-called Christians probably don’t believe they really exist). Islam has its Jinns and the Hindus have a variety of evil spirits.
Presenting a paper at Bangor University 2011
The clinical experience of SRT practitioners reveals that the most common form of spirit attachment (an alternative term for possession) is the influence of spirits of the deceased who have not completed the progression from an earth life to the spirit realms where they ought to be. These discarnate spirits are termed by SRT practitioners as ‘earthbound’ spirits.In such cases the SRT practitioner treats the earthbound spirit as a client and helps them to progress to where they ought to be.
People can be influenced by other forms of spirit including the thoughts and emotions of the living where there may be a strong emotional connection or what may be called a ‘sympathetic resonance’. Sympathetic resonance can be initiated by a relationship with another person that could have originated in a family relationship, an intimate relationship with a past lover, or an enemy, and could originate in this earth life, or a past life.
There are cases where the possessing entity has actually been created by the individual themselves from their own creative thought processes and powerful emotions. These entities are known as autogenic (self created) and can take on an autonomous nature whose purpose is to punish the creator for a variety of reasons including transgressing social, religious, family or cultural taboos.
The first task of the SRT practitioner is to uncover the nature of the attached entity and ask it to reveal its objective.The next step is to negotiate a resolution to the conflict that exists between the host and the attached entity.
SRT resolutions can be effected often in a single session, but could take several in more difficult cases. Very often there are psychological factors that enabled the entity to be attracted or created in the first place, and these factors will need to be addressed. The client will also need to learn how to protect themselves from further problems. Dealing with spirit attachments therefore involves a minimum of three sessions, (1) the release, (2) dealing with the cause and (3) on-going protection.
Consultations with clients or patients in most psychiatric or other therapeutic situations are usually conducted in a face to face interview when the normal waking cognitive abilities of both therapist and client are engaged in mutual dialogue. Apart from the initial consultation where base-line data is collected, SRT sessions are very rarely conducted in this way, but may comprise of one or many of the methods listed in the attached document:
Sessions with clients may progress through all of the above methods of consultation, and because of the dynamic nature of spirit communication, there is no way of predicting the nature of the communication or the course of action that results.
In the first instance, the objective of the SRT therapist is to reassure the client and those entities that are attached that he / she is working towards finding a resolution to the distress of all involved.

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